A Smart way
to Invest
We specialize in building and managing the Equity Portfolios in Indian and Global Markets on a customized basis. Our security selection method employs fundamental, technical, and quantitative analyses in tandem.
Why Invest Globally?
Obtain better Risk-adjusted Returns in the portfolio that exposes you to one of the greatest companies and stacks
in the world
Portfolio Diversification can be achieved by spreading the investments across different geographical markets and asset classes in different currencies
Mitigate the Currency Risk and avoid INR devaluation against the currencies of developed countries such as USD/EUR/GBP/CAD/AUD etc.
Plan your Children's Foreign Education in advance by investing in dollar-dominated financial products
Global investments come handy when the investor plans for Resettlements and Immigration programs
Diversification also comes by reducing Political and Policy risks which one may face in his home countries
Own a piece of Global Brands in equity form in either wholly or fractionally fashion
Well-planned global investments
can mitigate Tax Liabilities and take advantage of tax treaties with different countries
Product Porfolio
Exchanged Traded Funds
Global Stocks
Thematic Baskets and Stacks
Expose your portfolio to the developed markets of the United States and Europe by using various index-tracking, low expense Exchanged Traded Funds (ETFs) and diversify into multi-assets and multi-grographical products.
Buy and hold your favorite global stocks, on wholly or fractionally basis, and participate in the growth stories of companies such as Amazon, Tesla, Google, Facebook, Netflix, Apple, Salesforce etc.
Invest in the trending theme funds managed by the professionals that ranges from FAANG, cross-assets (S&P500 + Gold), crypto-assets, Clean Energy, ESG, AI/ML etc.
PE Funds and
VC Funds
Diversify and enhance your portfolio by investing in a startup or unlisted company. Support innovative business and be part of their success stories.
How do we do it?
Access to Global
Design a personalised and optimum equity portfolio build around you, your goals, and your risk profile
Proprietary AI and
Data Management
Manage your systematic and non-systematic risks with sound stock selection and derivative tools
Trusted and Secure
Continual monitoring of your portfolio, with a focus on keeping the account aligned with your financial plan
Client Centric Approach
Fiduciary duty towards you as a SEBI Registered Investment Advisory and Research Analyst
We are a team of SEBI Registered
Investment Advisory (RIA)
& Research Analyst (RA)
Few featured blogs
28 Feb 2023
9 Feb 2023
20 Jan 2023
In my previous articles, I primarily utilized the moving average crossover strategy to explain quantitative...
Mean reversion is a popular trading strategy used in the financial market to take advantage of the...
The increase in pollution and health-related problems have pushed the public and the government to raise...
Few featured videos
Geographical Diversification and different strategies for investing in US Stock Market | Vested Finance
The makers of Vested curated portfolios discuss the strategies employed in the U.S. financial markets and how Indian investors can benefit from such professionally managed portfolios.
How to build an Educational Corpus using Global Investment | Vested Finance
Xumit Capital teams up with Vested Finance to present a webinar on why and how Indian parents can build investment portfolio for their kids' education in the US using global asset classes.
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2023 Xumit Capital Private Limited. All Rights Reserved.
Sumit Singh is a SEBI Registered Investment Advisor (INA100010004) and Research Analyst (INH100005996)