A Smart way
to Invest
We specialize in building and managing the Equity Portfolios in Indian and Global Markets on a customized basis. Our security selection method employs fundamental, technical, and quantitative analyses in tandem.
Explore the neo-world of crypto-assets (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano etc.) and gain direct access to the demand for digital currency and the projects of businesses they facilitate. Diversify your portfolio
and gain mega-alpha.
We are a team of SEBI Registered
Investment Advisory (RIA)
& Research Analyst (RA)
Few featured blogs
28 Feb 2023
9 Feb 2023
20 Jan 2023
In my previous articles, I primarily utilized the moving average crossover strategy to explain quantitative...
Mean reversion is a popular trading strategy used in the financial market to take advantage of the...
The increase in pollution and health-related problems have pushed the public and the government to raise...
Few featured videos
How to Choose a Curated Portfolio?
The video explores the potential to transform the finance industry by offering a more efficient, transparent, and secure alternative to traditional finance systems with its decentralized nature and increased security features making it the future of finance.
Blockchain: A Step Towards a Decentralized Economy
IPart I of this course gives a detailed overview regarding what Bitcoin is and emphasizes on its whitepaper, talks about Blockchain and Decentralization, forming a link between the three topics and how they are revolutionizing modern finance and transactions.
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Sumit Singh is a SEBI Registered Investment Advisor (INA100010004) and Research Analyst (INH100005996)